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Manage Money Wisely | Improving Government Operations | Preserving Our History Beautifying Our City | Ensuring Public Safety | Maintaining Parks and Libraries

Managing Money Wisely

  • As a member of the City’s audit and finance committees, Ian has worked to ensure strong fiscal management.

  • He's helped manage the city through challenging financial times, balancing the budget and ensuring essential services.

Improving Government Operations

  • As chair of the environmental initiatives committee, Ian led the effort to develop the City's climate action plan.

  • He led the effort to conserve energy in public buildings, resulting in a 22% decrease in electricity and 34% decrease in natural gas since 2005.

Preserving Our History

  • Ian has led the effort to preserve historic homes that would have otherwise been destroyed by development.

  • He's working to restore the historic character of the Stambaugh Heller neighborhood along Middlefield Road.

Beautifying our City

  • Woodside Road used to be blighted with tall weeds and trash. Ian worked successfully beautify Woodside Road and ensure ongoing maintenance.

  • He helped develop the City's public art policy and is actively working to bring public art to our community.

Maintaining Parks and Libraries

  • We have a world-class library, and Ian is committed to maintaining that status as we innovate for the future.

  • He's supported the renovation of parks throughout the city, worked to acquire new lands for parks and worked to establish a new centrally located dog park.

Ensuring Public Safety

  • Ian has been the leading voice for preparedness and serves on the County Emergency Services Council.

  • He's been a consistent supporter of our police and fire departments, and earned the support of safety officials throughout the county.

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Paid for by Ian Bain for City Council 2015 – FPPC #1255762

1772 Anamor Street, Redwood City, CA 94061   (650) 361-8528 

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